
Donate to Almaville Volunteer Fire Rescue Department

Almaville Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank the community for the continued support that has been received over the years. We strive to meet the challenge of providing the highest quality fire service for our community. AVFRD appreciates any donations to help us meet our department’s needs . You can find a link to donate at the bottom of this page. Donations are tax deductible as we are a 501c3 organization.

We are a 100% volunteer organization of active firefighters that volunteer thousands of hours each year. In 2017 alone our members logged over 2000 training hours, ran 841 emergency calls, and spent thousands of hours on shift – 24/7.

Did you know our main source of income is through community donations? 

Every dollar you donate helps the Almaville Volunteer Fire Department serve a person in need. You and your donation play a critical role in helping our community!

Donate via Button Below or via Mailed Check

Send checks to:
911 One Mile Lane,
Smyrna, TN 37167

Donate a vehicle or building for us to Train our Firefighters!

If you have an old vehicle or building you would like to donate to use for training please contact us below! Remember your donations are tax deductible and we will provide documentation for your donation. Contact us here!